
We are conducting an academic study about decision-making algorithms. You will be asked to assess and provide your opinion on these algorithms.

For example, an algorithm may discover that men are more likely to cause traffic accidents leading to serious injury. Based on this information, an insurance company may decide to increase the insurance prices for male drivers.

We are interested in your opinion and motivation for assessing these algorithms in terms of fairness, accuracy, and comprehensibility. For this task, we make use of real-life datasets on recidivism and lending.

Please ensure that your answers are detailed and honest. Thank you for your participation in this study.

No identifying information will be collected as part of our research data, and while participation will involve the recording of your worker ID, this will be removed from the data immediately after download. We will therefore not be able to identify your particular responses in our data. Your answers and input will be analysed to determine whether the task was completed honestly - if dishonest input is detected we may withhold your payment.


Please tell us a little bit about yourself.

Valid age is required.
Valid sex is required.
Please provide your race.
Please provide your income.
Please provide your highest level of education.

Begin study